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The Ninebarrow Woodland & Brinvale Bird Foods

As you may know, back in December we finally managed to set up a bird feeding station in the Ninebarrow Woodland, complete with 24/7 streaming so that anyone can log-in any time of day and see what’s going on - and it's been incredible! We've just had such a wide variety of birds visit the feeder. 😎

Our birds get through an incredible 1kg of food every two days and we're absolutely delighted to announce that the amazing people over at Brinvale Bird Foods have offered to sponsor our feeding station!

We know that MANY of you have your own bird feeders at home and that, like us, you’re probably always on the look out for a reliable supplier of great quality feed. We would love to invite you to give Brinvale a go. We guarantee you won't be disappointed, but what's more, if you use the promotional code below, you'll also get 5% off your first order! *

  N  B  C  5  

* To use the code - just make sure you create an account at the Brinvale website and are logged in!


To find out more about why we love Brinvale Bird Foods - just watch the video!

Each time you place an order with Brinvale, not only will you get great bird food…but you’ll also get a warm fuzzy feeling from the knowledge that YOUR order will also be helping to support us here in the Ninebarrow Woodland. 👍

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Click below to see what's happening live!

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